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Web Commerce Technology Handbook Pdf 85: A Practical and In-depth Reference for Web Commerce Develop

/g, \\"\\").replace(//g, \\"\\");"},"id":31,"name":"exportImport","description":"New Description","logic":"return n 0 ? \\"exports\\" : \\"are the same\\"","id":32,"name":"stillWord","description":"New Description","logic":"return n === true ? \\"stil \\" : \\"\\";","id":27,"name":"salary","description":"global formatters","logic":"var str;\\nif (n 0 ? positive[locale] : remained[locale];","id":5,"name":"date","description":"Formats a date into \\"%B %d, %Y\\" format.","logic":"if (typeof n === \\"string\\") n =; \\nreturn libs.d3.timeFormat(\\"%B %d, %Y\\")(n);",,"id":13,"name":"growthWord","description":"Returns either \\"growth\\" or \\"decline\\" depending on the provided number\'s sign.","logic":"return n 0 ? \\"higher than\\" : \\"approximately the same as\\";","id":6,"name":"dollar","description":"global formatters","logic":"if (typeof n === \\"number\\") n = formatters.abbreviate(n); \\nreturn n.charAt(0) === \\"-\\" ? n.replace(\\"-\\", \\"-$\\") : (\\"$\\" + n);\\n","id":40,"name":"shorten","description":"Shortens Text to 12 words","logic":"if (n.split(\\" \\").length > 12) \\n return n.split(\\" \\").slice(0, 12).join(\\" \\").concat(\\"...\\")\\n else \\n return n;\\n","id":16,"name":"increasedWord","description":"","logic":"var descreased = en: \\"decreased\\", es: \\"decrecimiento\\" ;\\nvar increased = en: \\"increased\\", es: \\"incremento\\" ;\\nvar remained = en: \\"remained the same\\", es: \\"se mantuvieron igual\\" ;\\n\\nreturn n 0 ? increased[locale] : remained[locale];","id":15,"name":"increaseWord","description":"Returns either \\"increase\\", \\"decrease\\", or \\"change\\" depending on the provided number\'s sign.","logic":"var descrease = en: \\"decrease\\", es: \\"decrecimiento\\" ;\\nvar increase = en: \\"increase\\", es: \\"incremento\\" ;\\nvar change = en: \\"change\\", es: \\"cambio\\" ;\\n\\nreturn n 0 ? increase[locale] : change[locale];","id":42,"name":"techName","description":"Given a patent technology name this returns a pretty formatted version of it.","logic":"var formattedTechName = n.replace(/([A-Z]+);([A-Z]+)/g, \\"$1; $2\\").replace(/;$/, \\"\\")\\nreturn formatters.titleCase(formattedTechName);","id":64,"name":"smallnumber","description":"","logic":"return n 6) \\n return n.split(\\" \\").slice(0, 6).join(\\" \\").concat(\\"...\\")\\n else \\n return n;\\n", \\"Country\\";\\nvar valAccessor = n.val === false ,"id":39,"name":"titleCase","description":"Title Cases a string","logic":"if(!n) return \\"\\"; \\nvar spaceSplit = n.toLowerCase().split(\' \');\\n\\nif (spaceSplit.length > 1) \\n return spaceSplit.filter(Boolean).map(function (word) return word.replace(word[0], word[0].toUpperCase()); \\n ).join(\' \');\\n\\nelse \\n return n.toLowerCase().split(\'-\').filter(Boolean).map(function (word) return word.replace(word[0], word[0].toUpperCase()); \\n ).join(\' \');\\n\\n","id":58,"name":"possessive","description":"Identify how words end to use the possessive","logic":"//const lastLetter = n.toString().slice(-1);\\n\\n//return lastLetter\\nreturn n.toString().slice(-5,-4) === \\"s\\" ? (n + \\"\'\\") : (n + \\"\'s\\");\\n\\n/*if(lastLetter === \\"s\\")\\n n = `$n\'`;\\n\\nelse \\n n = `$n\'s`;\\n\\nreturn \\n n\\n*/","id":63,"name":"monthTimeTranslator","description":"","logic":"n = (n);\\nvar months_reverse_dict = \\n \\"Jan\\" : \\"01\\",\\n \\"Feb\\" : \\"02\\",\\n \\"Mar\\" : \\"03\\",\\n \\"Apr\\" : \\"04\\",\\n \\"May\\" : \\"05\\",\\n \\"Jun\\" : \\"06\\",\\n \\"Jul\\" : \\"07\\",\\n \\"Aug\\" : \\"08\\",\\n \\"Sep\\" : \\"09\\",\\n \\"Oct\\" : \\"10\\",\\n \\"Nov\\" : \\"11\\",\\n \\"Dec\\" : \\"12\\",\\n;\\n\\nvar dateMonth = months_reverse_dict[n.toString().slice(0,3)]\\nvar dateYear = n.toString().slice(4,8) \\nvar dateTrans = dateYear+dateMonth\\n\\nreturn(\\"\\" + dateTrans);\\n","id":55,"name":"deueuro","description":"Transform euro into euro","logic":"if (typeof n === \\"number\\") n = formatters.abbreviate(n); \\nreturn n.charAt(0) === \\"-\\" ? n.replace(\\"-\\", \\"-\u20AC\\") : (\\"\u20AC\\" + n);","id":57,"name":"espeuro","description":"it was a patch solution for euros","logic":"if (typeof n === \\"number\\") n = formatters.abbreviate(n); \\nreturn n.charAt(0) === \\"-\\" ? n.replace(\\"-\\", \\"-\u20AC\\") : (\\"\u20AC\\" + n);","id":51,"name":"yen","description":"Transform unit into JPY","logic":"n = formatters.abbreviate(n);\\nreturn n.charAt(0) === \\"-\\" ? n.replace(\\"-\\", \\"\xA5 -\\") : (\\"\xA5 \\" + n);\\n","id":53,"name":"sterling","description":"","logic":"if (typeof n === \\"number\\") n = formatters.abbreviate(n); \\nreturn n.charAt(0) === \\"-\\" ? n.replace(\\"-\\", \\"-\xA3\\") : (\\"\xA3\\" + n);","id":46,"name":"rands","description":"global formatters","logic":"if (typeof n === \\"number\\") n = formatters.abbreviate(n); \\nreturn n.charAt(0) === \\"-\\" ? n.replace(\\"-\\", \\"-ZAR \\") : (\\"ZAR \\" + n);","id":48,"name":"cad","description":"global formatters","logic":"if (typeof n === \\"number\\") n = formatters.abbreviate(n); \\nreturn n.charAt(0) === \\"-\\" ? n.replace(\\"-\\", \\"C$ -\\") : (\\"C$ \\" + n);\\n","id":59,"name":"statFlag","description":"By using the slug value (3 letter code), gets the flag of the country.","logic":"return (\\"\\")\\n\\n\\n/*\\nreturn n 0 ? \\"grew\\" : \\"stayed\\";\\n\\nconst slug1, slug2 = variables;\\n\\nreturn \\n flag1_statSize: ``,\\n flag2_statSize: ``\\n\\n*/\\n","id":43,"name":"euro","description":"global formatters","logic":"if (typeof n === \\"number\\") n = formatters.abbreviate(n); \\nreturn n.charAt(0) === \\"-\\" ? n.replace(\\"-\\", \\"-\u20AC\\") : (\\"\u20AC\\" + n);",,"id":1,"name":"abbreviate","description":"Abbreviates a number into a smaller more human-readible number.","logic":"\\nvar version = en: \\"en-US\\", es: \\"es-CL\\";\\n\\nreturn libs.d3plus.formatAbbreviate(n, version[locale]).replace(\\"t\\", \\"T\\");\\n","id":69,"name":"24words","description":"","logic":"if (n.split(\\" \\").length > 18) \\n return n.split(\\" \\").slice(0, 18).join(\\" \\").concat(\\"...\\")\\n else \\n return n;\\n","id":70,"name":"arrow","description":"","logic":" \\n// `\u2193`\\n// `\u2191`\\n\\nif (typeof n === \\"string\\")\\n return n.charAt(0) === \\"-\\" ? (\\"\u2193\\" + n) : (\\"\u2191\\" + n); \\n",,,"id":72,"name":"smoothLink","description":"transforms a hero stat into a smoothly clickeable stat","logic":"var item = n[0];\\nvar section = n[1]\\nif(!item) return \\"\\"; \\n \\nreturn (\\" \\" + section + \\"\\")","id":73,"name":"time","description":"given a date, returns you the formatted date","logic":"\\nvar valueLength = n.toString().length\\n\\n\\nvar timeDict = \\" \\"\\nif (locale === \\"en\\") \\n timeDict = \\n \\"1\\" : \\"1st Quarter\\",\\n \\"2\\" : \\"2nd Quarter\\",\\n \\"3\\" : \\"3rd Quarter\\",\\n \\"4\\" : \\"4th Quarter\\",\\n \\"01\\" : \\"Jan\\",\\n \\"02\\" : \\"Feb\\",\\n \\"03\\" : \\"Mar\\",\\n \\"04\\" : \\"Apr\\",\\n \\"05\\" : \\"May\\",\\n \\"06\\" : \\"Jun\\",\\n \\"07\\" : \\"Jul\\",\\n \\"08\\" : \\"Aug\\",\\n \\"09\\" : \\"Sep\\",\\n \\"10\\" : \\"Oct\\",\\n \\"11\\" : \\"Nov\\",\\n \\"12\\" : \\"Dec\\",\\n \\n \\n else if (locale === \\"es\\") \\n timeDict = \\n \\"1\\" : \\"1st Quarter\\",\\n \\"2\\" : \\"2nd Quarter\\",\\n \\"3\\" : \\"3rd Quarter\\",\\n \\"4\\" : \\"4th Quarter\\",\\n \\"01\\": \\"Ene\\",\\n \\"02\\": \\"Feb\\",\\n \\"03\\": \\"Mar\\",\\n \\"04\\": \\"Abr\\",\\n \\"05\\": \\"May\\",\\n \\"06\\": \\"Jun\\",\\n \\"07\\": \\"Jul\\",\\n \\"08\\": \\"Ago\\",\\n \\"09\\": \\"Sep\\",\\n \\"10\\": \\"Oct\\",\\n \\"11\\": \\"Nov\\",\\n \\"12\\": \\"Dic\\"\\n \\n\\n\\n\\nvar formattedDate = \\" \\"\\nif (valueLength === 4) \\n formattedDate = n\\n else if (valueLength === 5) \\n formattedDate = (timeDict[n.slice(4,5)]) + \\", \\" + (n.slice(0,4))\\n else if (valueLength === 6) \\n formattedDate = (timeDict[n.slice(4,6)]) + \\", \\" + (n.slice(0,4)) \\n\\n\\nreturn formattedDate;",{"id":47,"name":"Paywall","description":"Renders HTML for a viz paywall.","logic":"var user = n.user false;\\nvar title = n.title \\"Subscribe today to OEC pro and access the latest data\\";\\nvar link = n.url (user ? (\\"/\\" + locale + \\"/account\\") : (\\"/\\" + locale + \\"/signup\\"));\\nvar type = n.type \\"Treemap\\";\\nvar button = n.button \\"Sign Up\\";\\nvar image = n.image false;\\n\\nreturn (\\"\\\\n \\\\n \\\\n \\\\n \\" + title + \\"\\\\n \\\\n \\" + button + \\"\\\\n

Web Commerce Technology Handbook Pdf 85


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