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Best Partner Part 1 Hindi Dubbed Watch Online


This is Basak Tosun (User:Basak). I have studied Political Science and International Relations and then worked on Internet Services sector for 16 years. I am a contributor of Wikimedia projects since 2005. I mainly contribute to Turkish Wikipedia. For long time, I was only an online contributor; i discovered that contributions to free knowledge could go beyond editing after i joined an international WikiCamp in 2015. Then i contacted fellow wikipedians to form a user group in Turkey and became one of the founder members of Wikimedia Community User Group Turkey. I've took the responsibility of Wikipedia Education Programs in the group. I have organised Education Programs in several courses at 8 different universities. Additionaly, i take part in organising edit-a-thons, partnership search, organising local contests. I am proud that despite the Wikipedia block in Turkey during 2016-2019; our group was able to continue some of its activities and represented Turkish community in international events. During last 5 years, I had a chance to participate many international Wikimedia events, get to know Wikimedians from very many different parts of the world and learn about the Wikimedia Movement. In 2019, i became member of two other user groups established in that year: Wikigrannies User Group; Wikimedians of Turkic Languages User Group. I would like to be a member of Affiliations Commitee to share my experiences with the Wikimedians around the world.

Affiliates work best together when they can easily reach to and communicate with each other. Every affiliate have different conditions such as the regulations of their country and the culture of their editor community; and therfore each have their own way of doing projects, solving problems. Still every affiliate would learn and inspire from both the good experiences and the mistakes of other affiliates. They would find such learning oppurtunities when they come together and talk either face-to-face settings or in-distance. Learning the details of and accessing the documents of the partnership projects that worked well in the past would be useful as a beginning point for other fruitful partnerships. Like many wiki editors do when working in wiki articles, it might be useful first copying then changing, localising and expanding the available material.

Best Partner part 1 hindi dubbed watch online

I am Florence, aka user:Anthere. I have been a wikipedian since early 2002 and got involved in several capacities in our mouvement. Languages: French native, English 3In a first phase, I was an editor on the English and the newly born French wikipedias, where I wrote my share of articles and participated to setting up early rules and guidelines. Formally trained in Food and Agricultural Sciences, most of my early contributions were somewhat related to those fields but I also enjoyed editing in other areas. Very early on, I realized that we had to become an international mouvement (which we were absolutely not back in 2002-2003) and quickly decided to put some of my energy to make sure it would happen. In a second phase, I got deeply involved both at the local and at the global governance level, with a lot of multitasking in administration, finances, fundraising, legal, staff recrutement etc. I spent 4 years on the board of trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation, and was the second Chair of the board immediately after Jimmy Wales. I also co-founded Wikimedia France, one of the first wikimedia chapters and was on its board several years. Within those two roles, I obviously collected experience of what it is to be the central piece of the formal organisation (WMF) and what it is to be an affiliate (WM FR), and had to made tough decisions basing myself on what I thought was best for the mouvement in general. Whilst "the affiliation system" did not exist yet, I clearly played a role in the set-up of the current structure.In a third phase of my wikimedia life, I decided to refocus on my country and became vice-chair of Wikimedia France, and in the end... it was mostly about finances, administration, fundraising, legal... again. A very typical task I took care of during those years was the Chapter Agreement, which included the Fundraising Agreement, with Garfield back then. End of 2012, for many reasons, some completely personal and some related to my wikimedia involvement, I decided to move on to a completely different sphere of activity, and quit giving so much time to Wikimedia France and instead put my focus in the development of our african community so that this one would grow, become strong, and provide skills and voices in our mouvement. With Isla Haddow Flood, I co-launched a collection of complementary initiatives, the most successful ones in my view being the photo contest Wiki Loves Africa, the gender-gap initiative Wiki Loves Women or the education offline project Wiki Challenge Ecoles d'Afrique. To facilitate our operations in Africa, we also co-founded a Cap Town based (South Africa) non profit, Wiki in Africa (which is... not an affiliate, but a "friend and ally" organisation, under APG). About 2 years ago, I also joined the other gender gap initiative les sans pagEs and recently handled its recognition as an affiliate. I also resumed hosting events, train new comers, and generally being a "wikimedia helpful contact" in my little geography (I live south of France). This is my most "hands-on" involvement, with a high interest for Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata.Those years since 2013 have been fascinating to me to discover another facet of the "affiliation" world. In 2013, there were less than 5 chapters/UG in Africa and those were quite small and informal (when compared to what Wikimedia France had become for example). I believe we (WikiAfrica) have partnered with basically every single african chapter/ug at some point or another, and I would make the free claim that we helped several of them to actually emerge or grow as wikimedia affiliates.

There is never lack of great ideas. The real problem is implementation as it requires time, energy, money etc. The best way forward is in partnerships between orgs so that the workload can be shared, the skills used where they are needed, and the global impact maximum. This is what we are trying to do with an initiative such as Wiki Loves Africa where over 15 orgs partners to make it happen. Another great example is WikiGap, which is globally visible now due to it involving several of our wikimedia orgs around the world. One of the challenges to make that happen is communication, and awareness of what other groups are doing. This can happen thanks to Wikimedia Newsletters (such as the Glam one) or thematic portals (such as the Gender Gap portal which I recently completely updated or Visitors to wikimedia offices (not in Covid times...). This awareness of the others and what they do can not simply happen during one annual meeting in Berlin which only a select few can attend, or even a few additional regional conferences. And the multiplication of affiliates in the past 2 years makes it increasingly difficult to have a good visibility of the whole network. Hence the importance to work on several parallel systems to provide more opportunities to discover what other affiliates are doing, and foster discussions".

Affiliates can perform best with collaboration and learnings with each other. It is only with shared learning that an organization can expand its resources & capacity and progress with time. This way support, successful models for fundraising and partnerships, technology and techniques for various projects such as GLAM, digitization, conflict management, organizational structure can be shared and the affiliates who are lacking in these resources due to geographical or capacity building issues can borrow and improve the scope of their projects or governance models and progress and grow with time. For affiliates in the emerging communities, there are many challenges managing resources, technology, fundraising techniques and capacity to develop the organizational structure. Various factors, such as cultural context, lack of resources and advocacy challenges with the local governments makes them deficient in certain capacities. I think a lot can be learned from the developed affiliates with a successful track record with governance and organization models. On the other hand, thematic affiliates impart useful knowledge that is more specific in the context of expertise. Such affiliates support interested Wikimedia contributors to join hands with them to collaborate and learn from them.

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